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  • ?DJP200型鐵路架鋪機



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0310-4024642 4024629



DJP200 Track LayerDJP200 model railway girder erection equipment is a modern type of machinery developed to serve China's modern railway construction. This machine main technical parameter: span 32 meters, lifting capacity 200 tons , suitable for a variety of pre stressed concrete T-beam, (girder erection speed: 1 span /1.5 hour) and cantilever out 25m laying track panel with design laying speed: 5 minutes / row, 6 panels per load. This combination operation had saved the conventional method which reduced the need of conveyance machine. The main girder is the main part of this machine to carry major load. It consists of 5 units of section which are to be pinned together. Every part weight control at less than 20 tons to ease road transportation.This machine simple structure, easy to use, dual function, high efficiency, and comes with cost-effective features.

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